KoreFusion Moderates Money2020 Asia Panel on Real Time Payments

SINGAPORE, March 14, 2018 — KoreFusion moderated an oversubscribed panel on Real Time Payments (RTP) at Money2020 Asia with panelists from ACI Worldwide and MasterCard. Founding Partner, Jan Smith, who leads our firm’s commercial payments practice, moderated the panel and showcased findings from our recent RTP study spanning 600 businesses across 14 countries and 20 industries.
The panel, titled “Real-time payments – Understanding the use cases, the practicality, and potential friction with other payment products”, was part of the Money2020 Asia’s track on Processing Payments & Open Platforms. The panelists for the talk included Geoff Tunbridge, Director Solution Consulting – APAC at ACI Worldwide and Rama Sridhar, EVP, Asia Pacific Digital & Emerging Partnerships, New Payments at MasterCard Worldwide.
The talk was standing room only, indicative of the far reaching interest in real time payments across all aspects of fintech, with audience interaction from the major banks, e-wallets, and large merchants.
You can download the slides from the talk here
About KoreFusion
With a presence in six international locations, KoreFusion is the only firm that combines strategy consulting and M&A advisory services exclusively for the international fintech, payments, and financial services industries.
KoreFusion’s strategy consultants work with a broad range of product and regional leadership within the payments and fintech industry to further their clients’ strategic and operational objectives, while seamlessly providing unmatched subject matter expertise to our M&A clients. KoreFusion also works closely with investors, corporate development teams and the leadership of established players and innovative disruptors on their most pressing M&A objectives.
Press Contact:
Isaac Matzner

Jan Smith